Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays

Today is a day that we, as a family, just like most families, have been planning and preping for well since last year. We normally make a short trip to my husbands families to feast and gorge and then have dessert (pie anyone?). This year our plans changed, then changed again, changed back and maybe had another twist in the plot.

The weather has kept us home--and as much as I love spending time with my in-laws and family friends, it is really nice to just stay home and be still for a change (okay really not still, but unable to leave the house). I have already accomplished some goals for the weekend and plan on spending some time reading Little Women while cuddled up under a blanket.

The kids have been enjoying their humble load of gifts and finding other gifts from days gone by to use as well.

Martin is fully enjoying his lego sets and the lego brick builder magazine he reseaved (a magazine that will come every 2 months with legos, guess that will keep him busy all year long) Maybe someday he will join my brother in building or maybe enginering or something that pays him well so he can put us in a good home someday.

Poppy has been bouncing back and forth from one thing to another, flitting as only she does best. She was gifted a new bedding set which means she will be taking on a "new" big girl bed. She is elated. It's like a whole new room for her and she keeps checking it out. She keeps "writing" in her diary too, I'm sure she is noting details about how wonderful this Christmas is turning out to be. Or maybe she has been inspired by her all time favorite musical Mama Mia and is just writing dot dot dot. (only hoping she is not implying the same meaning to dot dot dot)

Adam is doing this and that and I believe it is his Christmas wish to get some wii time in. I'm sure he will be succesful.

I will end this little holiday tribute with a wish for you, who is reading this, may the coming year bring unexpeceted moments that you will charish for always.

Merry Christmas to you.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


No--I'm not talking about me having bulimia. I'm talking about the fact that I am actually getting rid of the junk that has been overtaking our home. I am a collector and a saver and maybe a border line hoarder...but I gave myself permission to just throw it away and so far, it's been working out really great.

I am tossing out all those little things that I have no idea what they are for that I had saved in hopes that someday someone would know and then I could come to the rescue with a triumphant *Ta-DA* (insert magical sounding music here) here is the item of which you speak. I am hoping that this cleaning it out streak last a while and that I don't start to turn the corner and become all sentimental over things and go back to my stashing away ways.

I think this disorder must be in my blood--my fathers mother is a pack rat and I hate to admit it, but I believe I am as well. I have joined a program for people like myself and with the guidance of people who know, I am hoping I can recover and begin to live the full life I wish to have--instead of the life full of crap.

I have