Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Am I going to do this???

I was thinking about all my goals and how I'm going to achieve them. Some of them are easier than other--like the breathing, I think I have it down (however; I need to remember to make it count more often than I do).

The one goal I want to focus on today is the Lose 11 pounds goal. I have read/heard many times that if you want to actually achieve a goal, you need to be spacific. That is why I have the Weight 11 pounds less by June 11, 2011 than I did not January 1, 2011. I figured instead of vagugly throwing "I want to lose weight" out there into the universe, I would have it be very clear what it is I want.

So to incorperate my 2011 Word, I am going to keep my weight loss plan easy simple. Here's the plan:

1) Eat Less
2) Move More

I will break down my simple steps.

1) Eat what I love, but less of it. Unless it is "good for me" stuff--then I will eat more, such as vegetables and water. I really find it weird because I love vegetables but have a hard time working them into my meals. I like weird foods--always have and I don't know why I don't eat them more often because they are things that would be benifishal to my health.

2)I plan on walking almost ever single day--somedays it may only be a half hour or it could be a longer stroll. There will be days that a walk will not happen, for what ever reason--when that occurs, I will be okay with it. While I am trainning for the 1/2 marathon, I may end up putting more miles in than after, but I will try to deal with that : o )

So there we have it simple.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Word & To Do List

On Wednesday, January 26, 2011 I have finally gotten around to attempting to post my word and goals. Sorry for all of you who have been waiting at the edge of your seats and holding your breath in anticipation of this wondrous event.

To recap--the past couple of years, I have found a word that I hope to reflect the up coming year. Last year was possibility and oh,the possibilities of possibilities that I did not think of happening with this vast word. So this year I am taking a different approach with my word. My word for 2011 is...


(here's the definition--you can scroll down and skip it if you'd like)
sim·ple   /ˈsɪmpəl/
[sim-puhl] Show IPA
adjective, -pler, -plest, noun
1. easy to understand, deal with, use, etc.: a simple matter; simple tools.
2. not elaborate or artificial; plain: a simple style.
3. not ornate or luxurious; unadorned: a simple gown.
4. unaffected; unassuming; modest: a simple manner.
5. not complicated: a simple design.
6. not complex or compound; single.
7. occurring or considered alone; mere; bare: the simple truth; a simple fact.
8. free of deceit or guile; sincere; unconditional: a frank, simple answer.
9. common or ordinary: a simple soldier.
10. not grand or sophisticated; unpretentious: a simple way of life.
11. humble or lowly: simple folk.
12. inconsequential or rudimentary.
13. unlearned; ignorant.
14. lacking mental acuteness or sense: a simple way of thinking.
15. unsophisticated; naive; credulous.
16. simpleminded.
17. Chemistry .
a. composed of only one substance or element: a simple substance.
b. not mixed.
18. Botany . not divided into parts: a simple leaf; a simple stem.
19. Zoology . not compound: a simple ascidian.
20. Music . uncompounded or without overtones; single: simple tone.
21. Grammar . having only the head without modifying elements included: The simple subject of “The dappled pony gazed over the fence” is “pony.” Compare complete ( def. 5 ) .
22. (of a verb tense) consisting of a main verb with no auxiliaries, as takes (simple present) or stood (simple past) ( opposed to compound).
23. Mathematics . linear ( def. 7 ) .
24. Optics . (of a lens) having two optical surfaces only.
25. an ignorant, foolish, or gullible person.
26. something simple, unmixed, or uncompounded.
27. simples, Textiles . cords for controlling the warp threads in forming the shed on draw-looms.
28. a person of humble origins; commoner.
29. an herb or other plant used for medicinal purposes: country simples.

OH MY GOSH! who would have thought such a simple word would have so many meanings. (I went ahead and boldfaced the definitions that I felt would be the best options for 2011.) Now many of you who know me well know that this word is going to be a challenge for me. Rarely do I do anything simple--in fact while considering this word after it was presented to me (thanks Scott B.) I had thought about simplistic or simplify and then I went NO JUST SIMPLE!

So this year, I am going to keep everything simple. (I'm doing good so far huh)

Here are my goals for 2011--

1. Weigh 11 pounds less by June 11, 2011 than I did on January 1, 2011
2. Read 11 books from my classic book list
3. Read all of the Harry Potter Books and see the movies
4. Complete the 2011 Eau Claire Half Marathon 11 minutes faster than last year
5. I will walk for exercise and only run when the need or desire occurs
6. Blog more
7. Breath

That's it--That's what you've all been waiting for.


I misread the status of one of my facebook friends who claimed they had a "sappy" blog (which in reality is reflective and heartfelt). I thought she had said it was a SNAPPY blog and I wanted to write one of those, but just not sure if I will be able to live up to Snappy. It's one of those days--a gray day one might say.

It feels as though my children have said my name at least a hundred times apiece in the last hour. Mama has not followed by I love you, but they are genral requests to help them find something right infront of them or to push the envelope just a little further or to tattle on the other. My friends blog was reflecting on how her little one is growing so fast and how she doesn't want the time to slip away. Saddly time does slip away--too fast, way to fast. It seems that gone are the days of my children being little, yet they still need such a great deal from me. I do not wish for them to grow up fast, just maybe a little more indepentant and more self sufficiant at times (like when I'm in the bathroom). I guess it's a good thing that they need and want me so much. So much for snappy--I would not give this a snap rating at all.

Gods of Blogs

Dear Gods of Blogs, I am asking that you provide my fingers with the ability to work with my brain to coordinate with the amount of free time I have so that I may bring forth witty antics of my life on the loose. I'm sure my reading public are waiting with baited breath to know what my word for 2011 is and what kinds of goals I have. I guess I should have asked to feel bloggy for Christmas.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goal met? Who knows--

Well I weighed myself on the morning of the very last day of 2010--and for some reason, I am really an truly unsure if I weigh more or less. I know that I weigh about 3 pounds less than my 2009 weigh-in, so I may have to do some research to get the answer to solve this puzzle. In all, I don't know if it really matters. I weigh what I way and that is what it is.

As for becoming the goddess that I had hoped 2010 would turn me into, I'm thinking that I was more than likely already there and that I have become a different kind of goddess all together. I know that I have become stronger and more able than I ever thought I could. So even though my goal did not play out the way I had dreamed, I am a Goddess just as I am.

I did complete one of my bucket list and maybe a few others I did not know that I had on there. I trained, participated and completed the 2010 Eau Claire Half Marathon (in better time than I thought I could). In my excitement for this event I was able to inspire at least one other person to push themselves to a level of even more greatness and I am elated that I was able to be a part of that. Mayhaps I have even inspired others and that delights me to no end.

Normally I take the time to re-read last years goals before I key my year-end review out, but not this year, I may do that after I am done typing and then I will realize that I have done more and become more than I sought out to be. In a short while (after the re-read) I will post my word for 2011 and my goals and all that jazz. I know how much you all are waiting to see what the new year has in store for me. I know I would love to know what it is that you are striving for in the year of 20-11, so please share your hopes, dreams, goals and just plain old g-rated desired (this is a family place after all) with me, you never know what will light a fire in another.