Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dairy {o}Mission

One of my favorite teachers use to call down to the office when she omitted to do something on the attendance report.  I always think of her when I hear the word omit and smile. 

I have made a couple of discoveries as of late.  The first thing is I can not write a food blog.  For those of you who asked for the recipe for Dragon Noodles, I tired and failed so here is the link ( if you are planning on substituting spaghetti squash for the noodles, google "roasted spaghetti squash" to find your favorite way to cook it.  I am not trying to be lazy, I just found that I am not good at writing directions.  Or giving--I like detail and try to give to many and then it just becomes muddy.  If you choose to make them, feel free to add different items into the dish--nuts, veg what have you.  It's so good.

The second discovery is bitter sweet.  I am from Wisconsin.  Land of Milk and Butter and home to the cheese heads and as of right now, I choose not to eat dairy (with the exception of a bit o' butter from time to time).  I hope that I will not have to cross the boarder now that I have admitted this to the world.  No squeaky cheese curds or ice cream sundaes.  I'm san Greek Yogurt and cream in my chai.  No Alfredo, mac & cheese, or cheese fondue.  Sour Cream? Nope.  Cream or Cottage? Nope and Nope.  No milk, whey protein.  None of it at all.  The choose was not because I think that milk is evil (that should allow me to stay in this fine state) it because dairy and my body do not get along.  So I have decided that I will no longer enjoy the fare of WI.

The sweetener in this situation is that because I am not eating cheese or heavy creams or anything like that I have to find different ways to achieve the creamy, gooey, goodness of dairy.  I love a good challenge.  I like trying to figure out a way to make a grilled cheese sandwich with the cheese omitted.  I find it an adventure to rethink about how I make something with a cream base not have a cream base.  The answer most of the time (because I may not feel like searching) is making something with tons of veggies, some grain and a protein source.  It all adds up to healthy meals that I love and make me forget about the fact that someone moved my cheese.

The Grilled Cheese-less Sandwich (whole grain bread, sweet potato, avocado & sun dried tomatoes grilled on my George Foreman Grill--no butter or oil added) with a two bean salad side (beans, two different kinds I think mine are kidney & black soybean???) chopped celery, carrot, and green onion with a lemon and black pepper seasoning)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Taking the Plunge

Picture it: Early summer.  A group of freshly graduated high school students. A really big water park.  Even bigger hair.  A water slide called "The Plunge".  Nerves and fears being pushed to the limits.  I did it.  I climbed all those stairs (there had to be a few million of them) to the tippy top of the world laid down, crossed my arms over my chest and slide over the edge feet first.  Within moments, I found myself back on Earth--no worse for the wear. 

Looking back, I have no idea how I did it.  I don't know how I got talked into it.  I don't know why.  Something over took my brain that day and convinced me--someone who is afraid of heights and does not like the feeling of falling--that I should give it a go. 

I guess I have taken all kind of scary impossible plunges after that day.  I think what has gotten me through those moments is feeling good about who I am.  I know on that day so many year ago I felt like I was on top of the world.  I was proud of all that I had accomplished.  Nothing could stop me.  The risk was small after all. 

I took a plunge the other day.  Someone convinced me that stepping outside of my comfort zone could be safe and fun.  I love myself all the more because I was able to see myself differently than I ever have before.  What I saw was beautiful.