I wasn't going to do it--I was just going to crawl back into bed and take my 1.something weight loss for this week, but the voices in my head made me do it any way. I got dressed and dragged my ass out the door.
At first they told me I would only have to walk for a half an hour. (Ha) Then they told me that I would only have to walk to the top of the hill that leads into Carson Park. They LIED.
They told me that I could walk through the Park (just the trail that skirts it, not walk through the entire park) So I did.
When I saw a fox--for some reasons the voices told me that I needed to do the fox trot to put a little distance between me and this killer fox that
lurks the famous
Eau Claire Park. So I ran, and then the voices told me that since I was already running why not just run a little further--and so I ran
s'more (
mmmm s'mores).
When the voices told me that I could make it all the way around Half Moon Lake and back home in time, I would just have to cut through the cemetery to do it, I did not listen--I'm not crazy,
jeesh (we all know I would have tried if I didn't have to be home before 7am)
Then the voices starting telling me that I am amazing--how proud they are of me and that I could do this--they chatted about how I could accomplish this half-marathon I plan to participate in--heck they even thought I could do a full marathon.
Then they finally shut up--leaving me to enjoy my morning solitude, enjoying the song of the birds and able to hear every snapping twigs in wooded area next to the trail (I know that fox was on my trail, I just know it). I walk in silence. I walked in pride. I walked and walked and walk, just by myself.
The cheering started again as I climbed a final hill only a block or two left to go--but wait, a voice called--if you just turn this way and walk a little further, you will have covered 5 miles this morning. Okay, I can walk a little further.
When a little further came and I was about to double back and earn my five miles, the voice spoke loudly, why would you want to walk the same old path back, turn this way. Okay. "Oh," the voice claimed, "I forgot there were hills here. Guess you will just have to walk up another hill"
Once at the top of that hill, the voice made me walk down another which forced me to climb up again. It tried to tell me that there was a better way around, but I put my foot down and climbed up the much steeper hill in spite. In total this "little bit further to make it 5 miles" turned in to 5.46 miles. I'm so glad I didn't look at my pedometer other wise the voices would have told me, hey why not make it an even 5.5 (maybe tomorrow).
After it all, I'm thankful for the voices in my head (this time) because my last chance workout turned my 1.something into a 3.2 loss for a grand total of 8.2 pounds down in three weeks time (I have been doing this for about 2 1/2 weeks longer than I figured I would) So thank you to all the "voices" that keep me from climbing back in bed and make me climb hills instead, thanks for believing in me, believing that I can do it. Thanks for the cheers and love; the pushing and the little bit of meanness you sometimes give. Without you, I would not be where I am today.
...I really hope my new MP3 player comes today.