ttch. ttch. ttch. …The sound of a pair of feet approaches me. Not to fast or slow. Running in at steady tempo Ttch. Ttch. Ttch. The noise grows louder. TTCH. TTCH. TTCH. I move over, my own feet hug the trails edge. TTCH! TTCH!! TTCH!!! In a quick moment, this runner passes me and I am in awe.
Every muscle in this well trained body captivatingly moves with each stride. Calves, gluts, hamstrings, quads. Triceps, biceps, delts, pecs. Working together, all conditioned to do this job. Each and every single muscle is doing its trade very well. This vessel performing as if it were a well conducted orchestra. TTCh. TTCh. TTCh.
The new day sun glistens on moist skin. A soak tank top worn as a badge of honor indicates that many miles have been run. Slight beads of sweat trickle down the runner’s neck. Confidents is maintained with a head held high. Breathing is slightly labored, but hardly struggled.
The runner pulls further ahead. TTch, TTch. The steady pace compelling them forward, taking them way from me. I want to keep up. I wish to lose myself in this song, too. “I need to be just like you,” I think to myself. Ttch Ttch Ttch. An athlete. Full of grace. A picture of good health. So elegant. So inspiring.
This runner is everything I aspire to become. This runner is why I get up every morning and push myself faster and harder. In my imaging’s, someday, someone will see me the same way I am seeing you. With admiration, with desire, with longing. You have painted a picture of perfection in my mind…and then you spit.
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