Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Renovations and a New Word.

As with most renovations, they take time.  This year I will continue to work to bring my best self forward.  I had an amazing year. Things I thought I never could accomplish where taken on.  Skills I already had, became better.  Fun was had.  Connections and re-connections were made.  Life is good.  At one point, I had thought about skipping picking a new word and just keeping 2013 word and using it until I have completed my transformation.  I realized that I could be using the word renovate for a long time if I wait for it all to be done as I'm not really in a hurry to get it all done--because I know that I need to take it one step at a time in order for transformation to stick.  As I thought about it and looked at my word again, I stumbled upon a word that just jumped out at me.  I decided that I could keep the idea of last years word as my life theme (at least for a while) and add my new word.  This years word is:  harmony.
har·mo·ny (härm-n)
n. pl.har·mo·nies
1. Agreement in feeling or opinion; accord: live in harmony.
2. A pleasing combination of elements in a whole: color harmony; the order and harmony of the universe. See Synonyms at proportion.
3. Music
a. The study of the structure, progression, and relation of chords.
b. Simultaneous combination of notes in a chord.
c. The structure of a work or passage as considered from the point of view of its chordal characteristics and relationships.
d. A combination of sounds considered pleasing to the ear.
4. A collation of parallel passages, especially from the Gospels, with a commentary demonstrating their consonance and explaining their discrepancies.
I am looking forward to a year of agreement, and combination of parts to make a whole.  I'm ready to hear pleasing sounds.  I am ready for harmony of mind, body, and soul.  I am ready for harmony in my goals and achievements.  I am ready to listen to the sounds of my beautiful life. 
To the new year.

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