Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Calling All Cheerleaders

I tell ya folks--I'm 9 or 10 weeks into my traning and I am draggin'. My body hurts. I'm not having any fun anymore. I'm so looking forward to just being done with this whole thing. I've missed workout days just because I'm just not feeling it. I need something to spark my enthusiasum--kick start my pride, something that makes me remeber why I am doing the event (why am I doing it again?) I need some cheerleaders. Anyone who wants to help motivate me, please, please, do so--in any way that you want.

I have to remember the wise words of my 8 year old "It doesn't matter if you come in last, what matters is that you are doing it". I just need to get out of my head. I need to stop feeling defeated when I don't accomplish something one day, but look back at all that I have done--I've WALKED over 100 miles so far this year that is amazing.


  1. You can totally do it, Stacy! I am in awe of you and also of Michelle and Eileen for your ambition and bravery. Yes, it takes bravery to do what you are doing. So you go, girl!!

  2. Give me an S! Give me a T! Give me an A! Give me a C! Give me a Y! What does that spell? STACY! She's amazing! :O) You should be very proud of yourself for your dedication and desire to be healthy!!! Hang in there girlfriend! I am proud of you!

    U Rah Rah!!!
