Friday, July 31, 2009

Personal Trainer

I've hired myself a personal trainer. And he is hard core. He made me climb the stairs of hell almost 2 times tonight. Grrrrrrrr...

the maddening part of the whole thing is that he is so perky and fricken cheerful "Come on!" "You can do it!" "We are going to dominate these stairs" Then after climbing and climbing and climbing--he has the nerve to say "Aren't these fun?". and then "So are we going to do this again tomorrow?"

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The effect of Girls Weekend

So I was going to post a little about how I gained 2.2 pounds while way on my wonderful vacation, however something happened during the time I started to write and from now.

Many of you know how I have been toying with the idea of participating in the Half-Marathon in Chippewa Falls (Pure Water Days) on August 8. I sent an e-mail the following e-mail:

I am considering participating in the Half Marathon for Pure Water Days
on August 8. I plan on walking the entire event and I am wondering if
walking is allowed. I have been "training" for a half marathon as one of my
"bucket list" items and figure it will take me around 4 hours to walk. I know
that most participants are runners, I was just hoping that a slow pace girl
like myself would be welcomed to achieve a goal. I was also wondering if
there is a way of getting a good map so I can try out the course before the
race day.
Thank you for your time

Stacy Leibrich

Here is the response:

Hi Stacy,
The Half marathon is a running event so you would not be able to walk
it. The slowest runners in the past would be finishing about 2 hours ahead
of you. We would be unable to staff the aid stations for that length of
time. You could run the 4 mile event and do a run/walk if you had to, or you
could walk the 2 Mile Fit walk event. I have a map posted on the website.
Here is the link.


Why the hell do I have to be a rule follower? Why do I always have to make sure of everything? I should have just showed up at the event and walked and then they would have had to stay to staff the aid stations (that would more than likely be completely out of any aid that I may have needed). I am angry, or defeated or frustrated or maybe just a little bit mad at myself for doing what I did. Deflated. Maybe that's the right word.

This is the e-mail his responds prompted me to write:

Dear Paul;
I was not sure who to address this to, so I figured the guy at the top of the list is a good place to start.

I have participated in a few events and have such a great time. I look forward to being a part of more in the future.
I am a walker. I am the one who is fine with coming in last, running and my body just don't get along that well and I actually like the pace and the high that I achieve with my 15+ minute mile. I am proudly wearing the Tortoise & the Hare shirt and claiming my self titled Tortoise status. Maybe someday I will be learn to embraces running, however; for now, I will continue to slowly log my miles and eat everyone else's dust.

I was wondering if you have had the pleasure of meeting other people who love to walk long distances? I want to know if there are more individuals are there that want to participate in half-marathons and feel as though they can not or have been flat out told that the event is strictly for runners and that the amount of time it takes for a walk to complete the event is not possible due to staffing for aid. I want to know if there are more people like myself that have not had water to drink because it's all gone by the time they get to the drinking station.

Mostly I want to know if anyone has ever mentioned starting a walking club for walking enthusiasts and also wondering how someone would go about starting such group. I think that would be a fine partnership. A way to get people moving. People, like myself that just want to walk.

Stacy Leibrich

We'll see what kind of a respond I get from this one.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vacation (the recap)

What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time I had. It was perfect! Did a lot of relaxing, book reading, laughing, movie watching, campfire sitting, talking, shopping, lake walking, rock picking, and just a lot of fun was had.

I ate--boy, oh, boy did I eat and for the most part, I don't feel bad about it. At times I only sampled and there were times were I plainly over indulge. I'm okay with being human, for being a Roman while in Rome. If the scale indicates a gain for the first time since I started this particular journey, I will be more than okay with it. It will be fine.

I did not move my body as much as I would have liked--(I can't feel the verbal smacking right now) for one, I was just in heaven not having to do much of anything but relax. 2) We were in the woods and I did not want to meet up with the bear that likes to hang out in the front yard of the cabin we were staying in & c) my body was in pain because for some reason I ran a walk that I wish I would have only walked. Thursday night I earned the title of the Tortoise--if only unofficially, I think Turt would be a very awesome nick name--Kati and I participated in the Tortoise and the Hare Race here in Eau Claire and while doing it, I completely forgot that I am not in any way shape or form a runner (or a jogger) I am build for distance not for speed. But because of the little bit of running that I did do, I hobbled around the whole weekend like I had completed a marathon.

Even though I broke my pledge of working out while on vacation, I'm fine with it as well. While talking to a personal trainer I felt better about my temporary derailment, know that someone who's job it is to teach people to live healthier said "You know what, you should really just enjoy your vacation" It's true--and I did.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Bit More

Not even a full pound to go until I have lost a total of 15 pounds. I lost another 1.4 this week. I'm so tickled.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What's up with This???

I just have not been able to find the motivation, the time and/or something to blog about lately. Me unable to find something to blog about??? I normally have way too much to ramble on about (in fact on this mornings adventure, I thought "The Wandering Rambler" would have been a much better title to my blog than On the Loose--me and my sentimental-ness)

But I do feel bad about not getting on here to offer support to anyone who draws motivation from my rambling. I have been keeping up with my exercise program (mostly) It feels like it's staying darker longer and my body is being tricked into sleeping longer, which means that I've been heading out the door a little later and my walks have not been as long.

Last weekend, I went for an 8 mile walk. It was one of the first Saturdays when we really didn't have anything happening (I did have to work, but not until 3pm). So I set for my walk at 5 and walked until about 8 am--I was really sore that night at work. I decided that I was going to finally walk around Dell's Pond--which I didn't really end up doing, but I more or less did, I just went out a bit further and a stretch out this way and that)

Food has been working out OK-ish, for some reason I still can not bring myself to jot down what I'm eating, however, I am mentally keeping note--I think it just became "one more thing I needed to do in the day" and I had to let it go (at least for the time, I hope each week to start up again).

Tomorrow is that day again and I'm looking forward to seeing what the results will be. Tomorrow is also my last work day of the week. I will be on Va-K and I can not wait. A weekend of Stacy, just being Stacy--not someones mum or a wife or the maid or anything, just me having girl time.

As excited as I am, I am still a little worried too--I am going to be on vacation and there are going to be many wonderful chances to eat wonderful food and be relaxed and I'm sure my defence will be a little relaxed as well. I have a game plan in mind, however sometimes what I think I'm going to do and what I actually do could be two different things. I feel like I'm an al-key just getting out of rehab and heading to a wedding sporting an open bar. I'm worried that my food addiction will be stronger than me and I will prevail.

Damnit--I just need to stop that stinkin' thinkin' and not let my guard down and not use the the idea that "I'm on Vacation" to hell with my healthier life style" be a reason I go whole hog-- I need to stick to my game plan and remember "You are what you eat"=this is something I have discovered this time around, when I eat really crappy, I feel really crappy. I have packed a workout DVD and plan to take along ye O' ten-a-runners and find some time to recharge myself (you all will be checking to make sure I used one or the other wont you)--I figure even if I do some yoga or simply skip out on some of the shopping and take some time to walk (even a half hour) I should be okay. I will have a fabulous time and as I always say "just let it be what it is"--it's hard to take your own advice isn't it. I guess what I'm struggling the most with is not trying to come across as being ungrateful of someones fa-Boo cooking, or that I'm different than everyone else because while everyone chews on steaks, I will be nibbling away on a salad, but I need to remember that the people I am going with love me and want to be able to love me for a long time--so if I decide to slice up my steak and throw it onto a salad, then so be it--if I take a spin around the block instead of looking at craft displays--no one will be hurt. I should be a priority. I am a priority--and you are too.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Last night I had a very loverly walk with my friend Kati (are we still friends after the stairs of hell?) My heel was veery mad at me after I got done and I spent the rest of the evening trying to stretch to make it a little happier.

This morning, the alarm rang at 4:45 and I pulled myself out of bed, trudged to the bathroom and was thinking (can a person really think at that hour of the day) of going back to bed, but I felt something kick me from behind and figured I better get my shoes on and head out the door or I would have to answer to someone (who else is crazy enough to be up at that time of the day???)

I did not take my normal "last chance workout" route this morning--I figured the hills may only make my heel madder--plus after the massive stair climbing last night, I figured I would be okay without the all the hills this morning. I took a route that I use to take almost every morning--the one where I was so excited when I would get just a little bit further then the last time. It is the most boring walk--an out and back trail with a lot of early morning traffic, it's loud and smelly--but it is still one of my favorites. I think part of it comes from clearly being able to see just how far I've come. Not only do I get to see how far I go each time I use it, but I get to see just how much progress I am making. I remember the pride I felt the first time I walk across the entire bridge (I even let out a loud woot when I did it) now I don't really even notice (which is a little sad) I think my most favorite part of the walk is that I am normally greeted by the rising sun. Good Morning--life is good.

Well after that reflect little meander, I came home and weighed in--down 1.4 pounds this week. I am pleased.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's been a (B)lo{n}g time

I have not been very faithful in my blogging lately--one being I was having a hard time getting into this site for some reason and b) I just have simply not been feeling very bloggy (which probable means I should blog as it helps keep me more focus) Not only have I not been blogging, but I have not been logging my food or really logging any miles. Tomorrow may be very interesting. I have been making mental notes as to what I am eating, but I know that it is not the same (no one can see in lead & white that I ate four desserts at Kaylee's shower on Sunday--yes four)

I have been using my foot as an excuse to be lazy and I have started to slide towards my old bad habits. I have been sleeping in, which in turn makes me feel more sluggish and guilty which is down right depressing. I want to feel that spark and spunk that I had even just a week or so ago (some of it I am pinning on Dot Disorder). I want to feel a little bit of a bounce in my step and that sense of pride that I get after I complete a great walk--I think what I really need is just a kick in the butt--who is going to give it to me?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I feel as though I have not blogged it out in a long, long, long time. I guess I just have either been too busy or just don't have a lot to blog about.

Everything is going along just swimmingly (swimming, that sound fun) I have been suffering from a little bit of pain, so I have been trying to take it a little easy--I have not been out for an early AM walk in what feels like forever. I want my foot/calf to heal up so that I do not make things worse. I have been trying to get in some sort of work out here and there--but I do so very much miss my wonderful walking time.

About a month ago, I actually remembered to take my measurements (that is something I normally forget to do--that and before picture--so okay, I really don't forget to take the before pictures, I more or less avoid doing them) And I re-measured myself a few days ago and I am happy to say that in total, I have lost 11.75 inches. I'm so excited for the progress--the numbers are looking good and most importantly, I am feeling great!!!

Tomorrow will give away the details of how I celebrated the far no gains or stand stills--I can only hope this is an on going trend.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Jouney:Week 4

July 1, 2009

Dearest Readers:

The past 4 weeks have not all been easy--there have been times when I have wanted to throw my salad on the floor and kick and scream until someone brought me some damn fries. But I didn't. There were mornings that I fought with the voices in my head. Most of the time, the voices won. There were points that went un-counted, hills left un-climbed, and moments when I wanted to throw in the towel. But even without being perfect, I did just fine.

Not only am I lighter because of all my work, I'm prouder (that is a word, right?) I'm more confident, I feel accomplished. I have changed. I did not realize that I would be gaining so much by losing.

On this journey so far I have tried to take my attention away from trying to become thinner and think about become healthier. I get excited when the scale continues to call out smaller numbers--but I get more excited when my pedometers claims I have walked another step further than the day before. I have grown to love the way my body feels after pushing it up yet another hill. I have enjoyed walking in the rain, the wind & the heat. For so long I have been disconnected with simple things that bring me joy. I'm glad they have found their way back into my life or should I say I have found my way back to them. Blessed Be the trees, lakes, and rivers.

I have also rediscovered that water taste good and vegetables are yummy. Thai food and pizza are also wonderful. I can have all the things I love and it's okay. It's all about balance. I like feeling balanced again. I have been living of kilter for way to long. It's nice to finally start having a bit of ME back. I LOVE IT!!! I just love it.

Week 4 results:
Changes since last week: - 2.2 pounds
Changes since start: -10.4 pounds