Friday, January 13, 2012

Let's Pretend

Let's pretend. That is how changes occurred in play when I was a kid. Let's pretend that we live in London, France. Let's pretend I work for an ad agency (what 80's sitcom was my nfluence here). I know, let's pretend that I'm a mom and I have 8 children. No, Wait, let's pretend that no one needs to speak the launguage of cancer, or diabeties, or autisum, or even alpers Syndrome. Let's pretend those things are not real. Let's pretend that no one dies young--that we all live a ripe full life filled with love beyond measure, riches that have no limit, and the wisdom to take advantage of every moment given to us. Let's pretend. I know let's pretend that there is nothing but peace in this world. And acceptance. And tolerance. Understanding. Stillness. and glitter--there is always room for glitter.

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