Sunday, May 26, 2013

On the Loose

When I went about picking a name for my blog, I did not get my first pick(s) because other bloggers had snatched them up already.  I don't even remember what the favorites had been, but for some reason, I think that "On the Loose" suites me wonderfully fine.

I'm sure some of my faithful followers know exactly why I went with this  And to them, they see how perfectly it is and read and smile and hopefully chuckle a little and go on about their day.  Some may not even have noticed and are now thinking--oh, so that's the title of her blog.  Mayhaps their are others who have often wondered Why in the world or does she not know how to spell lose? 

The truth of the matter is it is taken from the title of one of my favorite camp songs.  The lyrics are beautiful and touching.  Talking of climbing mountains and following trails and searching and watching and being free and oh, so many other things.  I have come to realize that this song is a great theme for my life and at this moment it could be no more truer than ever.  There are trails that I'm hiking just to see where they might go.  In time when you are ready, come and join me and we can enjoy life out on the loose.

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