Monday, August 31, 2009

Nordic Walking

For the last year-ish, I have been wanting to get into something called Nodic Walking? Have you heard of it? Basicly, it is walking with ski poles--special ski poles, mind you. I looked into the "sport" a little more and found out that the poles were very special indeed--like upwards of $120 special and I'm sure there were others that were even more special. So I put that dream to rest, but still kept my eye on them on amazon.

I found them at Target!!! For $20 for both poles, not just one, but two. I'm sure there are "better" poles out there, but for me these work perfectly. They can be used on regular surfaces as well as in hiking type of conditions. They are also adjustable. My family and I went to Target yesterday to buy my birthday present. Martin kept telling me that they had to leave me at home so the present would be a surpise, but I told him that I knew what I was getting and the surpise was for them. The kids were very excited as well.

I thought that I enjoyed walking before--but now it's got a fun little twist to it. I have always tried to use my Oprah arms while walking to help burn more, but the nordic walking does so much more--you really feel it and it is such a work out. The packaging claims I can burn up to 45% more calories and strengthen 90% of my muscles. I'm not sure if it is all true, but I was tuckered after a mile so I called it a day. I know that I will need to work up my endurance before I can head up for a six mile walk with the poles. But I look forward to it. I think once I get a little more use to walking this new way, it will just start to feel and be more natural. Who would have thought walking with ski poles would be so sweat inducing?

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