Sunday, May 16, 2010

Confessions of a new runner

Sunday May 16. 7:40 pm
2nd training day
5 minutes of Brisk Walking; 1 minute of “running”; 1 minute of brisk walking
(Repeat run/walk cycle 9 more times)
5 minute walking cool down

It sucked. I’m being over dramatic. It didn’t suck—I more than likely should have opted for yoga or the wii fit or lazing on the davenport (I loved when my grandma called the couch the davenport, it made it seem almost like a magical transporting seat that could take you any---where was I going with this???) oh yes, or I should have just simply counted weed whacking, manually edging the walk ways, and cleaning house my workout for today. But nooooooooo! Not this over achiever, I had to go full force and push myself further.

It’s all good really. I knew going into it that I was going to take it easy(ier), I have a hitch in my giddy up that is sending up to the ceiling from time to time—anyhow, talk about ADD tonight, wow! Did you know that if you stand on your head wow looks like mom? But not when you type it.

Anyhow, ha, banana, banana (really I have not had any wine tonight, honest—is this what they call a runners high?) I did my 5 minutes of not really so brisk walking (taking it easier remember?) then my first 5ish cycles were pretty okay – not going for speed here folks—I stopped to stretch after the 5th group (and it was right on the path that leads right up to my road and I could have so easily given up and called it quiets for the night, but nope I got back onto that trail, and started to trot again (that’s really what I’m doing, kind of have walk/jog errr trotting, ambling, sauntering, creeping, sloth-ing my way along)

I was greeted on the trail by two lovely dogs (which some of you know freaks me out to no end when dogs come running up to me when I’m moseying along in the dusk—they were blond colored dogs, so I was a little better and the owner yelling they wont bite, they just want to walk with you {sadly, I think I was “running” at the time}). The dogs threw my timing off, and I have not looked at the official stats of my ped-O-meter today to see how long I was out there running and not sure how far I went—but I did it! And it only sucked a bit and I know that Tuesday will suck less and Thursday might be even less suck-y.

To be honest, the part that makes me say it sucks is because I want to be better NOW!!! I have really and truly love the feeling of challenging myself. I have never ever ever before been a runner (only if you count running onto a field/court to the count of 5, 6, 7, 8 with toes pointed in attempts to kick my ass {former PomPom girl here}) Yes I have had the forced runnings of gym teachers in my day (Muller, not so motivating—Rutter would have been oh, so very) [Again where am I going with my bambling?] But I am actually achy when I can’t get out an move my body, when I’m driving somewhere and I see someone on a trail, I wish it were me out there. I have grown to love the sound of my feet thahthunking along on the forest floor (it’s not a forest, it’s just a trail through a tiny gully of trees, but it’s vast to me) I guess what I might be trying to say is that I am enjoying myself with this challenge in ways I did not think I would have {I figured I would have ran once and gave up}

I will always be a walker, I will never give up that stat, I’ve been doing it for years {two beautiful women in my life inspired me to walk for exercises way back when the garbage cans at sportsman’s park were orange) Walking is rooted in me, it’s who I am and helped to shape who I am today. Many miles were logged with a great walking partner in those formative days as well as many many hours of talking. I can never pooh pooh something as grand as that. I only see it, as now I will have options.

(Man I think it took longer to write this that it did to actually do what I'm writing about)

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