Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Doctor Gave me HomeWork!

I went to the doc today to have my levels of various things tested. Here's the jist of it.

Blood Sugar: Good
Liver Funtion: Good
Thyroid stuff: Good
Blood Pressure: Good
Resting Pulse: Good
Weight--down almost 2 pounds since last year (at least it's down!)
cholestral results are mostly improved, but I still have my sticky wickets with it (as always) This is were the homework comes in.

I have to go back to get retested at the end of summer (Happy Birthday to me) just to make sure that I was able to make changes. We talked about why we thought my Tri's were higher this time and I came up with the answer of stress and stress eating sweets to help with it all (tip: the eating of sweets does not really help at all) I also told her that I did not expect to get in to see her so soon (I called yesterday to make the appointment) so I did not have time to "study" for my test and I didn't think that was very fair, so she told me that I had "homework" to do.

Here's my homework:
I'm going to get back to eating my beans
excersie more
cut back on refined sugars
and take Fish oil

Not too bad--if I fail, I think she will try to put me on meds (which she tried to talk to me about today, but I told her I prefered to prove to her that I could make improvements without them.

Once I got home, I thought about the fact that the night before we went for Chinse food--I'm sure that had something to do with it all. Although I will say that my 2 plates of food look much different than they did say 5 or 6 years ago (lots of space on the plate and not a bit of stacking) but I did have me a spring roll. Isn't it funny how we find a place to blame no matter what. Not, it's me--I've been stuffing all the wrong things in.

I DVR'd it, but wondering if anyone saw Oprah yesterday--the Women, Food, & God one? If so what did you think? I'm going to read the book before I say anything more.

1 comment:

  1. LMK what you think of the book. Good job on your levels and on your homework. Good job telling the doc you plan to try to make improvements on your own first. That is a great idea. :O) Proud of you, girlie!
