Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What's up with This???

I just have not been able to find the motivation, the time and/or something to blog about lately. Me unable to find something to blog about??? I normally have way too much to ramble on about (in fact on this mornings adventure, I thought "The Wandering Rambler" would have been a much better title to my blog than On the Loose--me and my sentimental-ness)

But I do feel bad about not getting on here to offer support to anyone who draws motivation from my rambling. I have been keeping up with my exercise program (mostly) It feels like it's staying darker longer and my body is being tricked into sleeping longer, which means that I've been heading out the door a little later and my walks have not been as long.

Last weekend, I went for an 8 mile walk. It was one of the first Saturdays when we really didn't have anything happening (I did have to work, but not until 3pm). So I set for my walk at 5 and walked until about 8 am--I was really sore that night at work. I decided that I was going to finally walk around Dell's Pond--which I didn't really end up doing, but I more or less did, I just went out a bit further and a stretch out this way and that)

Food has been working out OK-ish, for some reason I still can not bring myself to jot down what I'm eating, however, I am mentally keeping note--I think it just became "one more thing I needed to do in the day" and I had to let it go (at least for the time, I hope each week to start up again).

Tomorrow is that day again and I'm looking forward to seeing what the results will be. Tomorrow is also my last work day of the week. I will be on Va-K and I can not wait. A weekend of Stacy, just being Stacy--not someones mum or a wife or the maid or anything, just me having girl time.

As excited as I am, I am still a little worried too--I am going to be on vacation and there are going to be many wonderful chances to eat wonderful food and be relaxed and I'm sure my defence will be a little relaxed as well. I have a game plan in mind, however sometimes what I think I'm going to do and what I actually do could be two different things. I feel like I'm an al-key just getting out of rehab and heading to a wedding sporting an open bar. I'm worried that my food addiction will be stronger than me and I will prevail.

Damnit--I just need to stop that stinkin' thinkin' and not let my guard down and not use the the idea that "I'm on Vacation" to hell with my healthier life style" be a reason I go whole hog-- I need to stick to my game plan and remember "You are what you eat"=this is something I have discovered this time around, when I eat really crappy, I feel really crappy. I have packed a workout DVD and plan to take along ye O' ten-a-runners and find some time to recharge myself (you all will be checking to make sure I used one or the other wont you)--I figure even if I do some yoga or simply skip out on some of the shopping and take some time to walk (even a half hour) I should be okay. I will have a fabulous time and as I always say "just let it be what it is"--it's hard to take your own advice isn't it. I guess what I'm struggling the most with is not trying to come across as being ungrateful of someones fa-Boo cooking, or that I'm different than everyone else because while everyone chews on steaks, I will be nibbling away on a salad, but I need to remember that the people I am going with love me and want to be able to love me for a long time--so if I decide to slice up my steak and throw it onto a salad, then so be it--if I take a spin around the block instead of looking at craft displays--no one will be hurt. I should be a priority. I am a priority--and you are too.

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