Saturday, June 27, 2009


The official results are not in yet (and I didn't bother to check), the important part is,

I don't believe I was the last person in--my pedometer says I worked at an aerobic pace for 99 min. I remember looking at my watch after I was done and I believe I commented to Adam that I came in 6 or 9 minutes after I told them to be there. As soon as RCU has it posted, I will let you all know what the real time is (until then please feel free to sit on the edge of your seats)

I finished much faster than I predicted (I was giving myself about 15 minutes per mile). The faster finish might have something to do with my running start. I had no intentions of running in the beginning--my plan was to hold back a little at first, warm up a bit, then only run on the down lows (that's my street talk for declines). I knew for sure that I was going to run in the spot I last saw that killer fox.

Since I can not simple tell a quick story, I will go in depth.

Adam and the kids came with me for registration. I picked up my little packet, got my time chip, got my number pinned on and chatted with the fam for a wee bit. They took off. Since we got there around 7:00 I had about an hour to wait for the race to start. That was a long time waiting for something to happen. Since I did not know anyone there (that was a dig to make some people feel bad) I did some stretching on my own, and focused on the "big race" ahead. Someone told us to got get lined up for the 10k around 10 to 8.

While walking to the starting line, I noticed that there were signs for paces meaning if you run a mile in 7 minutes you should stand here. I went to the 10 + mile section. and stood in the middle. Someone started talking (someone that was supposed to be) and since I could not hear that person, I started moving up. Still couldn't hear her (there was a lot of excited chatter happening) And then the gun went off. And everyone one around me started running. And so I ran (not very far mind you, but I did make it all the way past the RCU Corporate Building)

And thus the race began. I felt really great when I got to the first mile marker in 12 minutes. And a little bummed when it took me over 15 to get to some of the others. I did some running here and there--mostly to keep my distance from people. It was a good walk. At one point I remember thinking "What did I get myself into?" But I would do it again. If not for myself but for the fact that right now, as I type Martin is outside running in prep to do this event next year. And that right there is worth every second I pounded the pavement.

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