Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Getting Started (Again)

I was asked a question this morning that threw me for a loop--"So what happened?" To be honest, I really didn't understand what was being asked of me. "You know what happened that made you decide to do this?" “Why is this time different?” “What lit the fire under your bum to get you out of bed so blasted early to go for a walk?” (Okay so these questions are not verbatim) My reply was I really don't know--I'm not really sure what it happened that made me decide that 6/3/09 would be the day that I made myself a priority. I’m still trying to figure that one out.

So here I am again. Starting over on this journey to a healthier me. In my defense, I have been working on this a bit this year--but now the time has come for me to really be serious about wanting to be the healthful, vibrant person I know I am. No more hiding behind, well, my behind, it’s time for the world to see the inner me (not that girl that I catch following me around and standing in front of me when I look in the mirror every time I try to catch a glimpse of myself) It’s time for this Star to Shine.

My plan is to blog out my thoughts, my progress, my feelings about exercise and food, my, my whatever else comes along and lands on here. Mostly I just want to have some form of checks and balance so I can stay true to my journey. I know that it is going to be a long journey. I do not want to go this alone; I cannot do this alone. I encourage anyone who wants to join me to come along, it’s going to be a fun ride (some one remind me that when I’m walking the last bit of a walk) I need all kinds of support and encouragement—on good days and on bad ones too—I will in return offer the same onto you.

I’ve got my gear all packed and I’m ready to head out on a trail that’s waiting for me. (I always visualize myself heading out on a backpacking trip when starting a journey like this, just something I do) So here we go…


  1. Good job, girlfriend. I am so proud of you! I am right there with you! Good job waking up and flying out of bed and getting right too it. That is so awesome. Keep up the good work. Beautiful blog set up by the way! Laura

  2. The blog is awesome. Perfect for a creative writer as yourself.
    Through this journey we will become stronger. We will become wiser. We will become the woman we are inside.
    I look forward to taking the challenge with you :)
